Emergency Numbers In France
Date: 8th May, 2018
18: Emergencies: This number connects to the fire brigade (Sapeurs Pompiers) but they also deal with medical emergencies and should be the first port of call in life-threatening situations
15: Samu (for other urgent medical call-outs)
17: Police / Gendarmes
112: Universal European Emergency Services number - works from all phones including mobiles
114: Emergency calls (hearing assisted)
115: Emergency Shelter
119: Reporting child abuse
196: Sea and lake rescue
197: Terror/kidnapping hotline
01 40 05 48 48: Anti-poison centre
09 726 750 + your department number e.g. 87 for the Haute Vienne: Gas & electricity emergencies
3237: (0.35/min) Outside hours GP and pharmacy information (also available on www.3237.fr)
ORANGE: To report a fault online: www.1013.fr - English-speaking helpline: 09 69 36 39 00
SFR: 1023 (+ 33 6 10 00 10 23 from outside France)
FREE: 1044
EDF: 24-hour breakdown line: 09 726 750 + your department number (eg 87 for the Haute Vienne)
Gas & electricity emergencies: Helpline in English: +33 (0) 5 62 16 49 08 –
Email: simpleenergywithedf@edf.fr
Gas leaks: 01 43 35 40 87
CPAM (state healthcare): www.ameli.fr
English-speaking helpline: 08 11 36 36 46 Calling hours: Mon-Fri: 8h30 - 17h30
URSSAF: 3957 + department number
CLEISS: Social security advice when moving between countries: 01 45 26 33 41
- Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 9h00 - 12h30
- Tuesday & Thursday: 14h00 - 17h00
Some advisers speak English.
British Embassy (Paris) 01 44 51 31 00
UK passport advice + 44 (0) 300 222 0000
(calls cost up to 12p/min from a UK landline - see French operators for exact cost)
Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 20:00 - Weekends: 9:00 - 17:30
Irish, Paris: 01 44 17 67 00
US, Paris: 01 43 12 22 22
Canadian, Paris: 01 44 43 29 00
Australian, Paris: 01 40 59 33 00
NZ, Paris: 01 45 01 43 43
South African, Paris: 01 53 59 23 23
Counselling in France: for a qualified therapist near you or counselling over the telephone;
Alcoholics Anonymous: regular meetings are held (some are in English) across the country.
For a list of local English-language groups see: www.alcoholics-anonymous.eu
SOS Help: similar to the Samaritans, listeners who are professionally trained; Tel 01 46 21 46 46
(open 3pm-11pm daily); www.soshelpline.org
CANCER SUPPORT FRANCE: for advice and someone to talk to. Tel: 0800 240 200 or email
English Speaking Cancer Association (Geneva-based): offering cancer support in Geneva, Vaud and French border areas. Tel: +41 (0) 22 791 63 05 or email info@cancersupport.ch or www.cancersupport.ch
Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association Forces (SSAFA): 0800 731 4880.
Email: france@ssafa.org.uk
Elizabeth Finn fund: help for Britons and Irish people facing hardship, including for residents of France. See www.turn2us.org.uk
BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT NETWORK: for those grieving for a loved one and needing to talk.
Tel: 04 94 84 64 89 / 06 32 35 31 24 or email info@bsnvar.org - 7:00 - 23:00
THE BRITISH CHARITABLE FUND: provides financial help to British residents in France.
Tel: 01 47 59 07 69 - 10:00 - 17:00 - britishcharitablefund@orange.fr
Alzheimer – English help group at France Alzheimer: 0800 97 20 97 - www.francealzheimer.org
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